Saturday, September 13, 2008
Match cancelled, Bournemouth photos & Minsmere...
Unfortunately the rugby match at Woodbridge has been cancelled for tomorrow. Some of the team from Ashford are apparently injured.... Their next match is Sunday 21st so I may well pop along for that one...
My photos from Bournemouth air festival have now been published here. They've chosen a few of them, not all, but it's better than nothing...
Tomorrow morning I plan to go to Minsmere to twitch... also to find the apparent Red Deer! I've read on the 'net that Minsmere has the largest colony of Red Deer outside of Scotland... I'll keep 'em peeled!
That's all for now...
Monday, September 8, 2008
Saturday's Rugby Match..

Well I went along to watch the rugby on Saturday and was slightly confused as Felixstowe weren't playing! It was actually Harwich &
Dovercourt playing Woodbridge instead! Apparently Felixstowe had cried off at the last minute!
I managed to get some good shots and Woodbridge rugby club seemed quite impressed as well! They've linked to my website from theirs - never a bad thing!
The photos can be viewed here...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Woodbridge vs. Felixstowe..
I going to watch the above match on Saturday, partly because I love the game, partly because I want to take some photos!
I've contacted the Sports Editor of the East Anglian Daily Times and he's said he may be interested in some of the photos... I'll let you know if they get published!
Fingers crossed.
Lowestoft Air Festival Photos..
Can be found here... Managed to get some decent ones of the Vulcan..
They want my photos!
I took some photos at the Bournemouth Air Festival on Saturday, including some of the Swift Aerobatic Display Team.
Somebody from the team has contacted me and asked if they could use the photos on their website!!! To say I'm chuffed is an understatement!
The pictures should appear here at some point.
To see other photos of the air show click the photo above or here