Monday, July 7, 2008

Introducing my new E-Commerce Website!

Afternoon all,

I've been trialing a website created by

It allows you to use their template, fully customize it and upload your images to it.. It saves you paying thousands for a web developer to create one for you!

At the moment I am still in my 'trial' period, so the URL of is merely temporary. Take a look, let me know what you think.

Once I've signed up to this site it will be accessible by (clicking on this now will take you nowhere!)

This site will enable me to sell any of my images. The best bit about it is that anyone can make a purchase using their Paypal account - using credit cards, debit cards etc.. So I won't need to set up a merchant account.

So that's about it really. I aim to build up an extensive portfolio so that the site becomes more desirable!

I'm also looking in to other ways of making money through photography - obviously let me know if you have any ideas or know anyone that could help!?

Please let me know what you think about the website, I'm open to all sorts of criticism!


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