Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ISO, Shutter Priority and Black Sheets....


I was playing with my camera's semi-automatic settings last night in the fading light of my garden! There were birds galore and with the automatic settings the camera was struggling - too low shutter speed etc...

I decided to 'up' the ISO to 800 and then 1600, to enable me to increase the shutter speed. I was actually quite suprised by the results, not too bad. You do add the risk of getting too much 'noise' in your shot but you still get the shot...

It's nice being able to experiment with the more manual settings on the camera. I actually feel as if I almost know what I'm doing now!!

One thing I need to master now is white balance, so not to get bizarre shades of colours in my photos! sometimes this can make the photo too warm, or even cold...

Been looking at backdrops on the web. I want to get one so that I can start experimenting with portrait photography.. I'll either get a white or black one me thinks.. I'm tempted by black... not sure why though!



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