Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Weekend...

img_2853 Well this weekend has been pretty much a working one... and I don't mean photography!

I've been in doing my security patching weekend in London, followed by another load of Oracle security changes across all out production databases - not what you might call fun!

However I did manage to get quite a few shots in the hours I had spare.. I'm starting to get the hang of shutter priority now added with ISO control.

The photos from the weekend are dominated by the Goldfinch and img_2307 the Greenfinch, although I did get some nice close ups of a slug or two.. and some bees..

Oh yeah, almost forgot.. We went to the Ufford Bygones day at Church Farm, where I snapped a few dogs and a ferret!

Click on either of the photos to view my 'flick' link.


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