Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Bird Feeder Station!

On the way home last night I sneaked in to Wyevale and bought a new bird feeder station..

It's basically a 6ft pole with various arms for more feeders! It's also got a bird bath and feeding tray.

In our garden we've now got
3 Nyjer seed feeders
4 wild bird seed feeders
3 peanut feeders
2 bird baths
3 sunflower / sunflower heart feeders...

I put this together with Oli last night.. No birds as yet but I'm sure there will be tonight... Unless they've all drowned in the rain!

Had a large family of Goldfinches on the Nyjer's last night, the baby was a noisy little fella. I got some photos but the light wasn't perfect! I'll upload them soon..

IMG_2073 Here's a photo of the bird feeders, from my conservatory at 100mm with my L 100-400 IS lens..



IMG_2074 Here's another photo, from the same position but at full 400mm of zoom... I'm guessing I'll get some good photos going forward...

STOP PRESS... Got home tonight to discover about 3 Goldfinches all over the Nyjer feeder, not bad considering it's only been there for 24 hours. To be fair though, I'm probably one of the only locals that has a constant supply of Nyjer's...


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